Friday, June 15, 2012

Evidence for Socionics

According to the study by Anthony C. Little and David I. Perrett published by the British Psychological Society in 2007 (, there is evidence for a measurable correlation between physical characteristics and personality traits. In other words, physical traits can predict, with some accuracy, personality characteristics of the individuals that displays them, and these personality characteristics are found with a measurable degree of consistency within individuals who bear these physical traits.

Americans seem more reluctant in general to accept socionics, particularly in its European-originated VI-centric iteration. This would seem, at least partly, to be based on the culturally instilled centrality of the individual to American society; a society so inherently predicated on the power and primacy of the individual personality and will would naturally be inclined to suspicion of a personality science that professed the ability to easily quantify persons into relatively inflexible finite groups.