Monday, February 22, 2010

ID TYPE Visual Identification by Rod Novichkov

Well VI is identifying people's type, there are 16. This method is identification without the use of a verbal test.

1. j and p type is observed in a side view picture of an individual; this has to do with how the spinal cord is attached to the base of the human brain.

2. The frontal lobe of the brain is shaped in two ways, flat or round; this translates into having a flat broad forehead with protruding superciliary arch for T types and round forehead for F types.
Wikipedia (Links)
"It has even been proposed that the human OFC has a role in mediating subjective hedonic experience [1]." This is very much true of ESTj personality types..male and female.

3. Visual processing determines S or N types . N types have the ability to cross their eyes independent of one eye or the other to observe a wider periphery vision; S types are unable to do this function. Many ST's are able to observe everything in their field of vision at once; N doesn't work this way...they may look but not see.

4. The last element is E or I; this is behavioral and it's a little difficult to tell in a person but very observable in a photograph; an E type will be very focused at the camera and I type will seem rather removed, in their mind, melancholic. This is the hardest function to decipher but once you get good practice you will actually see that type of people look very much like one another. So you won't need to look at I or E any more...type will be very apparent.

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